from becoming a handicap
- Sponsor a child by paying his annual expenses including tuition, vocational, transport, lunch & breakfast, uniform and stationery ($1000, Rs. 2,94,000/-).
- Donate towards the trust fund to enable school to become self sufficient.
- Donate the pressing items required by the school (details can be obtained by our finance department).
- Employ a skilled mentally handicapped individual in your organization.
- Become a dedicated volunteer member and participate actively in our special programs.
- If you know of any one who needs special education, kindly refer him / her to us.

Make a Difference
But that which ye lay out for charity, seeking the Countenance of Allah, (will increase): it is these who will get a recompense multiplied”.
Al-Quran Sura No. 30, (Ayat 39)
United Bank Ltd
Branch Code 1131(Khayaban-e- Shamsheer)
Account No: 01011937 Swift Code: UNILPKKA
Insert IBAN # PK69 UNIL 0112 1131 0101 1937

“A hundred years from now it will not matter
what my bank account was, the sort of house
I live in, or the kind of car I drove; however,
the world will be different because I was
important in the life of a child”
Financial assistance provided to students:
The school is a non-profit organization. Fees are on a sliding grade, depending on the financial situation of the family, and their ability to pay.
- 25% of students are free (all educational expenses are supported by the school)
- 50% receive need based financial assistance
- 25% pay a subsidized amount IBP School is non-profit tax-exempted society; it accepts zakat and other types of donations on personal or company level.
IBP is exempted under the income tax ordinance 2001 read with the rule 214 of the income tax rules, 2002. Therefore, the donor is entitled to tax credit on his assessment as per rate prescribed in section 61 of the income tax ordinance.